We are entirely funded by grants and donations and we would love your support!

Wonder Connection is a project of Social and Environmental Entrepreneurs (SEE), a 501(c)(3) non-profit. Your donation is tax deductible!

You can donate via our online platform, FundraiseUp.

Donations by check:

Please make checks payable Wonder Connection.

Mail to:
Wonder Connection
1829 E. Franklin St. Building 600, Ste B7
Chapel Hill, NC 27514

Donations by ACH/bank transfer: Fundraise Up has this capability and you can also reach out to Katie

International Donations- We are able to accept donations via our Paypal Giving Website.

We know it may seem weird that when you make a donation, your check (or online donation) goes to our fiscal sponsor SEE. We ended up doing a national search to find the best fiscal sponsor and SEE has truly been a great, supportive, and professional partner to Wonder Connection. (Video: What is a fiscal sponsor?)

When someone sends a check or makes a donation via the web, the money goes to our fiscal sponsor, SEE and they deposit it in our restricted Wonder Connection account.  Only Wonder Connection uses the money that is donated, and we only use it for our program which is based here in Chapel Hill. (More info about our relationship with SEE)

Katie Stoudemire
Project Director